
Monday, February 6, 2012

Disneyland Paris Planning with Nine, Part 5: Our Dates are Booked

Yay, we have finally booked to take our daughter to meet The Mouse for the first time.

Here are a few details as required -


Me (Nine) - 32, Disney nut, obsessed with WDW and can't wait to go back in 2014 but newbie to DLP as are the rest of the cast. Ex-cop now full time mummy and part time blogger. Veggie.

DH (Steve) - 32, likes Disney, enjoys WDW (has been twice more than me as a teen), huge Rays fan so makes sure a trip to FL means a few days at St Petes too. Not a great fan of French cuisine, hoping to enjoy a US style burger.

DD (Tink) - just turned 2, will be 2.5 when we go. LOVES Disney, especially Mickey and Donald. If we mention she's going to meet them, she picks up her toy versions and waits by the door *aw*. Fussy eater, rubbish sleeper, full of fun and mischief.

MIL - won't let me reveal her age ;-) enjoys FL and is looking forward to going back in 2014 with her granddaughter. It was her suggestion to go to DLP as a taster for Tink for WDW. Loves to shop.

FIL - early 60's. Financier of most of the WDW trips and this one to DLP. Great big kid at heart, adores playing with his granddaughter and spoils her rotten.

Monday, June 25th through Wednesday, June 27th. Just 3 days and 2 nights at DLP before we head off to the family farm house in Doussac for another week.

Sequoia Lodge. We've never stayed on-site at WDW so really looking forward to this.

We'll drive as we're going on further into France for the rest of the vacay. We'll go through the tunnel to get there and get the ferry home.

With who?
Hotels booked through Disney via Thomson.

So there we are :-)

Thanks for stopping by!

Contributed by Janine P. of Swindon, England. She is a proud wife, mommy to Felicity and one of our Minnie Moms.  Follow along throughout this monthly series as she plans her first trip to Disneyland Paris.

Disneyland Paris:
Follow along as Janine plans her family's first trip to Disneyland Paris.  Learn more about Janine here.

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