Waiting for lunch at Sanaa in November 2012 and wearing my ever-present camera bag (see below) |
I cannot wait to have my morning coffee on our savanna view balcony. A Disney vacation is filled with so much activity that those quiet moments are extra special. Tink and Minnie are really looking forward to seeing the animals from our room and checking out the children’s water play area. At least one night, we plan to enjoy the campfire and some toasted marshmallows. We did this at Disney's Hilton Head Island Resort but they were much younger then. I expect the campfire to be a bigger hit this time around.
Tink with her Daddy and Minnie with mine at the campfire at DVC Hilton Head |
My girls are now 6 and 4. This will be Tink’s ninth WDW visit and
Minnie’s seventh. Tink’s first trip was
to celebrate her first birthday and Minnie’s was at 11 months old. We have been through all sorts of stages
during our Disney travels. I am so
thrilled to finally have a trip with no diapers or pull-ups! My babies are now kids and we are ready to
have fun.
Tink (with DisneyDad) on her first WDW vacation |
Minnie's first WDW vacation (with DisneyDad and Tink) |
I have posted here in the past about what I have
carried in our Disney diaper bag/backpack for infant and toddler stages. Now that I have a preschooler and a first
grader (gasp!) I will be able to carry a lot less. Using my previous list as a starting point,
here is what I plan to take with us in the parks.
Sippy cups (I use them mostly for
water. I got burned once when a cup of milk opened in my bag and leaked.
Try cleaning up a moving bus...it's not fun.)
Hand wipes
Clorox wipes (A must
for cleaning tables.)
Band aids (Just a couple. No need for
a first aid kit. That's what the first aid centers are for.)
Ponytail holders
Small snacks
Notebooks, stickers and multi-color pens
Light up toys (maybe)
Candy (small packs of M&Ms or
Smarties can buy time and aren't messy)
Wallet (smaller than I use at
Poncho (dollar store variety)
Clif bag (This is a small bag that
packs into its own pocket. It's great to be able to throw all those extra
things you accumulate into before hopping on the bus. Mine just happens to have
a Clif logo on it.)
Phone charger
Lip gloss
Camera battery
Business cards
Thin towel
Changes of clothes (I have
carried these every time, 8 trips with kids, and have never used them.
But I want to let them play in the splash areas if they want so extra
clothes go under the stroller. This is also the thing most likely to be cut from my list.)
Visor/hat for me
Light up toys
Large thin blanket (great
for covering the stroller during naptime)
As for the bag itself, I most often carry a LoweproPassport Sling to Walt Disney World. It's convenient for my
DSLR camera and has plenty of room for other gear. I've had this bag for over
three years and find it to be comfortable to wear. There are several variations on the bag now, with more options in size and color. I have tried backpacks both in camera and non-camera styles, but I go back to the sling for both the ease of accessing my stuff and due to the fact it's cooler than having a bag on your back on a hot day. Since the girls are older, I won’t carry
everything on this list around all day.
Some of it will go in a cheap drawstring backpack and stay under the
stroller unless needed. Nothing of real
value should ever be left unattended with the stroller.
As for the stroller, I am pleased to say that I’ll
be using a stroller from Amusement Park Rentals. They rent single and double City Mini GTs and
Bob Revolution strollers, as well as cribs, highchairs, and practically
anything else you could need for baby.
Amusement Park Rentals also rents scooters and wheelchairs so don’t let
a mobility issue keep you from getting out and having fun. They have a great deal for August on the City
Mini Double with a $50 flat rate. I’ll
do a full review post when we return from vacation giving you the scoop on how
easy the company is to work with, condition of the stroller, ease of pick-up
and return, etc. Amusement Park Rentals
promises excellent service and clean, convenient strollers. (BTW, I know my 6-year-old is too old for a stroller at home but not at Walt Disney World. Especially for longer days or larger parks, it will be worth it to have a seat for both kids.)
I bought tickets to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party but I am keeping that a surprise from the girls. Airline tickets have been purchased and Disney's Magical Express reserved. Dining reservations have been mostly made and some FastPasses as well. I think we are in great shape for our upcoming trip, other than actually getting in shape. I'll be walking/jogging regularly leading up to the vacation.
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