Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Photo Flashback! Pooh and Eeyore - 40 years apart

Tigger, Pooh and the girls
Third in our series from the Wayback Machine is Pooh and Eeyore.  (see Mickey and Tigger posts)

 Tink and Minnie love Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore as I think you can tell from these pictures.  They were taken on our trip, May, 2013.  Eeyore doesn't appear to have changed a lot in 40 years other than he no longer has the "cape" around his neck.  Pooh... now that is a different story.  He has grown taller, gives out hugs, and lost the Honey Pot on top of his head.
Eeyore and the girls
 We recieved the slide below recently from my wife's aunt.  Pooh and Eeyore are part of a parade passing near the Tomorrowland Speedway in this slide from June, 1973.  Both have changed  over the years, but I think Pooh has changed the most.
Pooh and Eeyore 1973
Another thing that has changed in 40 years is the crowd level.  Behind them is a crowd of ONE person watching the parade.  Or at least he is watching something.  He doesn't appear particularly interested in Pooh and Eeyore.

In the background you can see one of the Skyway buckets over the trees.

(in my best Eeyore voice)
Thanks for noticing me.

Focused on the Magic


  1. I have always loved the Pooh with the honey pot on his head. So fun, thanks for sharing!

  2. Great pics! I met Honeypot Pooh during my first visit to Disneyland in 1981 and loved him. Most of the costume changes over the years have been great, but I do wish they'd bring him back :)

  3. What a cute post! Thanks for sharing. :)

  4. Love the vintage photos! Tigger has also gotten more fluorescent over the years - my older photos of him show him as more of a normal orange color.

  5. I love seeing how characters have changed over the years! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I am loving these posts! Pooh has changed quite a bit. :)

  7. Great pics, I love seeing the old pics and the Skyway :-)

  8. Love the vintage pictures! Pooh certainly has changed!

  9. In my mind's eye, the characters are a constant. But when I see photos from the World's Fair, or Walt Disney World in its first years, I can't believe how wrong I am! Thanks for taking me back Disney Dad!!

  10. Love the retro photos. I have to find some with Winnie the Pooh from around that time because I remember that honey pot.

  11. Awwww, such sweet pictures! Those are some awesome Pooh & Tigger hugs!

  12. Great photos! Always love a retro Disney photo!! So fun to see what has changed.

  13. great pics! pooh with the pot on his head could be a little scary. lol.


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