My main stroller at home is a Bob Revolution. It is a fantastic stroller for exercise and just being out and about. However, it is rather large and kinda heavy. I decided I needed a lightweight stroller for travel and to have a lighter option for the grandparents. Thus began a huge Internet research project. At the time, I could tell you the pros and cons of a couple dozen strollers. The more I looked, the more I became convinced that Maclaren was the way to go. Some other moms swore by reclining features but I just didn't think that was worth the premium of both dollars and added weight. I decided on the Maclaren Volo
and searched for the best available price.
The Volo was perfect! My husband and brother have both commented (unprompted!) recently on how great it was. The Volo is lightweight but sturdy. It's less than 9 pounds before accessories, folds easily and compactly, and has a shoulder strap which is great for getting on Disney buses. The handles are at a really comfortable height and none of us kicked the wheels when pushing the stroller. The seat on mine is mesh so Tink could get a breeze even when it was "Animal Kingdom hot." I bought the accessory pack which included a warm seat cover that I used at home during the winter. The basket underneath is pretty small, but I am a huge proponent of traveling light, so it was enough for our needs. Adding the Maclaren organizer to the handles gave us a little more storage space and when you flip it over the canopy to fold the stroller, it keeps the canopy clean. The Volo does not recline, but that didn't stop Tink from napping in it every day of our trip. The canopy is about average and seemed to meet our needs but you can add an extra shade if you like. Some models come with a fitted raincover that goes on fairly quickly and did a great job of keeping Tink dry in a downpour. My accessory pack also included a travel bag to keep the stroller clean when we gate checked it. We used a couple of no throw straps to hold a cup and a toy. Even if Tink droped her cup, it stayed off the ground and we didn't lose anything.
Yes, you can get a cheaper umbrella stroller or rent one from Disney but it doesn't take very long for rental fees to add up to the purchase price of a stroller, especially if you have time to shop around. The construction of the Maclaren strollers was truly what sold me. The Volo has an aluminum frame that allows it to be both strong and lightweight. This stroller will hold a child up to 55 pounds. I really like the fact that we can use this for years to come. I have seen some people who buy a Maclaren, use it for one vacation, and then sell it on EBay.
Feel free to disagree in the comments section below, but I prefer to have a stroller all along my journey rather than just renting one in the parks. Tink napped in the her stroller during one layover on our way to WDW. It kept her contained when she was just too tired while we were checking in at the Orlando airport. We loved being able to push her in the stroller while walking to the buses or up to the Hospitality House.
I couldn't be happier with my Maclaren Volo and can't wait to take it back to the World.
What type of stroller do you use? Do you like it or do you wish you could get something else? Any other stroller tips and tricks to share?
Another Maclaren fan here! We bought a Maclaren Twin Triumph for our Disney trip last year and were so glad. It's lightweight, easy to fold, and steers well. The seats even recline for napping! It came with the rain cover, and we purchased the organizer and the bag to keep it clean on the plane. The only con we found was that the canopies didn't provide enough shade for our little ones. Easily fixed, though - this year we purchased an add-on sunshade and will be using it for the first time on our next WDW trip over Memorial Day weekend.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you - the convenience of having a stroller all of the time instead of just in the parks just can't be beat!
We just got back from Disney with 2 Volos! I love that stroller; when my son was little I'd take him on the local light rail on day trips & would use the Volo. Easy to push, fold, and carry. That stroller is 7 years old & still going strong! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat feedback from Maclaren on Facebook.
ReplyDelete"Amy: Thanks for sharing this. It's not only a great review of our Volo -- of course we love that -- but it's a fun read as well. Glad you had such a good time at Disney and that our Volo helped "Tink" throughout! :)"
We bought this stroller just before our recent trip to DC. Love it! On your recommendation, I'll order the accessories before next month's trip to WDW. We took the "bus" stroller last year; it was great in the parks, but horrible on Disney Transportation & shopping. Looking forward to going with the Volo!
ReplyDeleteLottie, I hope you enjoy the Volo! I found mine very easy to use and the accessories are quite handy. I got a good deal on new ones on eBay.
ReplyDeleteNow that I have two girls, we have the 'attack stroller' so I'm not sure if we'll take it to WDW or buy a double Maclaren. Ok, so I want the double Mac, just not sure if I'll pony up. Have a fantastic time on your trip!
We use the Volo for our older daughter. She is 5. The Chicco Cortina is our Disney stroller. Our kids went a lot when they were younger. This has great padding and reclines. Plus plenty of room for our bag. We have both strollers embroidered with our last name on them so we can find them in a crowd. The last two trips we attached the Volo with a bungie cord to the Cortina. Worked perfect!