Tuesday, June 8, 2021

That Disney Life

 It's been a long time since life said slow down and share your life with others. Since the last Around the World with Ridge post, the Growing up Disney Family got a little bit bigger. 

I met my now wife, Tara, years ago but we lost touch for a while. Then via some social media I Snapped a picture of the gates of WDW and without thinking she commented how she loved Disney and our connection was reborn. 

It didn't take very long to realize we were right for each other and become inseparable. 

I'll take the time to go into more life details down the road as I would very much like to kick off Growing Up Disney with our new story but I haven't gotten to the best part. 

While 2020 brought a lot of hardships, we were not able to have our magical Disney wedding we spent a year planning. However; God saw fit to give us the most perfect baby we could have hoped for instead. 


She's already well on her way to Growing Up Disney with two Trips to Walt Disney World already under her belt. 

We look forward to sharing our Disney life at home and on our trips. Sharing things we learn along the way. 

Charlotte, Tara and I look forward to continuing to Grow Up Disney. 

More to come.... 

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