Friday, December 2, 2011


This is post #501 for Growing Up Disney.  We've been blogging now for over a year and a half.  Thank you to the Growing Up Disney family and our wonderful friends who contribute guest posts.  Thank you to our readers for sticking around with us as we've grown and changed.

And for another celebration, baby "Minnie" was 6 months old yesterday.  This picture of the girls is totally out of focus, but I love it anyway.

Baby "Minnie" and proud big sis "Tink"


  1. 501 posts is an accomplishment.

    It takes organization,perseverance, and determination to keep a blog going. Amy has been the driving force as our Editor-in-Chief. Chris has been determined in his creation of some wonderful photograps he has posted here (you should see some of the breathtaking ones that have not been posted...yet). He has made 4 trips to WDW this year to get new material for his exceptional and funny view on the World. As the Dad I only make occasional contributions to this family project. Yes, it is a Family project that includes not only my children, but what has become an extended Disney Family of friends from around the world. They are able to share with us their Disney experiences from not only Walt Disney World but also Disneyland Paris and where it all started at Disneyland.

    Thank you to you all.
    PS. Amy, I like the photo even though it is out of focus.:-)

  2. Thanks Dad! Not even a dslr in sports mode could compensate for the wiggles.

  3. Super cute photo! Reminds me of my nieces!


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