Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Photo Flashback! Main Street USA - 1975 & 2008

Today's Photo Flashback is two views down
Main Street USA taken 33 years apart.

Main Street USA 1975
The Growing Up Disney family has been visiting 
Walt Disney World since it opened in 1971.
We have a collection of old photos we share from time to time.

The 1975 photo is from a slide taken
by my wife's uncle.  This is is one of the slides 
we were given by my wife's aunt.

Main Street USA 2008
Main Street USA is still a favorite photo spot.
I took this photo of Mom on a quick
 trip we took to Walt Disney World
in September 2008.


Focused on the Magic


  1. Love the flashback! We have a few old photos from the Magic Kingdom in the early 70's that are so much fun to go through!

  2. I love looking at flashbacks! Especially in the Magic Kingdom, my favorite park.


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