For those of us who aren't currently in RunDisney shape, hitting the road for exercise before a Disney vacation is still very important.
We are going to Walt Disney World in five weeks for the Flower and Garden Festival. The weather here is gorgeous today and preschool started back so I had no excuse not to get in a walk.
If you are having trouble fitting in the pre-Disney miles that will make your vacation easier, try my trick. I put my younger daughter in the jogging stroller when we arrive at preschool. After we get Tink to class, Minnie and I walk the parking lots of the church/school before getting in the van.
Consider taking a walk while you are somewhere you have to be anyway. That way there is no extra travel time. Just keep some good shoes in your car and take a few laps before you head off to your next destination.
The walking isn't my issue, it's the weight lifting! I carry my kids more at Disney (loading/unloading buses, in queues, etc) and the action of folding the stroller and slinging it onto its wheels while juggling a child or backpack takes a toll on the muscles! Yoga is a great help, and so is the... I think it's lat pulldown machine at the gym. Really works the muscles in the center of the back. ;)