DisneyDad: This post requires a lot of thought. I have been going to Walt Disney World since it opened in 1971 and I have seen a lot of things change over the years. Some things for the better, others I’m not so sure. I am on an email group of DVC members and I see a lot of complaints voiced there. There are always complaints when admission prices go up. One person was complaining about the bullfrogs outside their room at Old Key West. They could not stand the noise and wanted to know why Disney didn’t do something about it. I on the other hand, stayed in almost the same room, and heard the same frogs and just absolutely loved it. It wasn’t noise; it was some of God’s most beautiful music. Restaurants change menus; attractions are updated or changed out. All in all I guess it fits with Walt’s vision that the “Florida Project” would never be completed.
My complaints:
1) Olivia’s changed menus years ago and took Key Lime White Chocolate Mousse off the menu. I still miss it.
2) Prices keep going up on everything; admission prices, room rates, food, souvenirs. Prices go up, but it keeps everything open and people working and someone making big profits.
3) The selection and quality of souvenirs, especially DVC Member merchandise. I need a new jacket with DVC Member on it and can’t find one.
4) I don’t get to go as often and stay as long as I’d like.
Ridge: We drink the Disney Kool-aid here. We all like Disney because it is good family entertainment, the parks are clean, there is a feeling of security on the premises, free transportation while staying on resort property, and there are hundreds of DVC destinations around the world. Is it hard to find something to complain about? For me, it is but for others it isn't. But I thought let's find something to talk about that isn't the best. Again I have a hard time with this, but here it goes. I love the classic attractions as much as the next person, being able to share an experience with parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren but some things need to be updated and renovated. Number one on my list is the Carousel of Progress. It's a definite classic and one that Walt personally oversaw when it was being designed for the World's Fair. However, now is the time, now is the best time to update the animatronics and give everything a cleaning and polishing. The last scene is the only one that I think needs to be changed a little because the future of 1994 has come and gone.
Amy: What would I change at Walt Disney World? As a mom, I'd love to see more playgrounds within the parks. They wouldn't need to be large and the ones tucked into open and unused space at Epcot during the Flower and Garden Festival proved this is do-able. One of my big concerns for this fall's WDW trip is letting the little one burn off some energy in a safe environment. She's only a toddler so she can't run free just anywhere. Walt Disney World does have some fabulous amenities for small children, but it seems like they underestimate the number of babies and toddlers. When we took Audrey for her first birthday, the smallest "My first WDW vacation" t-shirt was in a size 3T. Seriously?!?! Look around. The first visit is much younger for lots of kids.
Time to vent a little. What would you like to change/fix/upgrade at the Walt Disney World Resort?
I agree with the clothing options. We went when I was pregnant with my son and I thought I would be buying a ton of clothing in baby sizes. There was not much at all, and if there was it was all for girls.
ReplyDeleteWhen we went in February for my son's 2nd birthday we had a really hard time finding 2T shirts, like you Amy, and had to get 3T. Which actually shrunk really bad and fit him now!
I agree about the t-shirts too. Both daughters were 2 and 10 months when we took them for the first time. Not only did they not have there size, but they only came in blue or gray . . . how about a little pink or purple?!? :-)
ReplyDeleteThe one thing I would definitely change is the bus service at Caribbean Beach (we love it there). The resort is much too large for there to be one bus loop. It should be split into 2 separare bus loops. When we had the misfortune of being stuck in Trinidad South, we never had a seat on the bus. It wasn't such a big deal at the time because we didn't have kids, but now with three little ones, there is no way we could stand for a trip from CBR to MK.
I wish they had more based off of Disney Jr. Yes, I know they have Disney Jr. Live on Stage and a character meal in Hollywood Studios, but that is all. My toddler LOVES everything Disney Jr and would recognize it in a heartbeat. Where as to get her to sit and watch a full Disney movie is just not going to happen. So, where the adults know the movies and all the themes in the parks the little ones don't really understand.
ReplyDeleteSo my wish is that they would add on to a park a Disney Jr. Section. Add a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that could be walked through, interactive, maybe even a park like feel. A Doc Mcstuffins Dr. office. Have a castle for Sophia the first. etc, etc, etc. I just wish there was more for the toddler age to recognize!