Friday, September 24, 2010

A Walk Around The World With Ridge--Give One Get One

This year Disney teamed up with Habitat for Humanity and the Hands On Network and started the “Give A Day. Get A Disney Day.” program to encourage everyone to give back to their communities. 1,000,000 tickets were to be given away through this promotion and much to the surprise of everyone involved, all the vouchers for the free tickets to Disney were applied for by mid March. I know, I was one of them.

I volunteered at a Habitat for Humanity Re-Store in my city of Birmingham, AL. The store sells leftover materials from their home builds and other donated items. I, being the prompt person that I am, was at the store well before opening so I had an "easy" task (he says sarcastically) to organize a storage area where the kitchen cabinets were stored. To say there was a lot to move is a severe understatement. But I signed up for it, I have all the pre-requisites to move a room full of cabinets...a strong back and a weak mind....

My day of service was in February 2010 and my trip was in April 2010. This worked out perfectly because not only did I do a day of hard labor but I was rewarded in kind, with a discount equal to the cost of a day’s ticket off the price of my annual pass. To a man on a budget that was worth all the sweat I put into earning my VoluntEARs. When I purchased my pass, it was really simple. All I had to do was give the cast member my voucher that I printed at home and then I asked them to apply it to my annual pass. I was given a hard ticket as a souvenir and a special button to wear while at the parks.

One of the fun perks, which sadly I wasn't chosen for is the Honorary VoluntEARS Cavalcade parade that serves as a pre afternoon parade at the Magic Kingdom. The parade comes just before the 3 O'clock parade and Disney Cast members go around the park looking for folks wearing their buttons and invite them to be part of the parade. I missed out on this experience... What do you think, should I wear my button again when I go in October?

If you have volunteered or have signed up and still haven't performed your day of service, check out Disney's FAQ's about the program.


  1. I also did the give a day/get a day (I knitted a baby blanket) and the ticket is currently burning a hole in my pocket. we're thinking about a trip in thanksgiving and upgrading our tickets to annual passes. may I ask how much did the annual pass cost with the get a day ticket?

  2. The cost of a one day pass when I went was 84 dollars tax included, then I got a DVC discount. I mine was 330 with tax back in April.


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