Thursday, April 26, 2012

Two Years at Growing Up Disney

Today turns two years old.  What started as a forum to share what I had learned about traveling with my small child has grown, almost as fast as she has.  Now, I am proud to say, we cover a wide range of Disney topics and experiences.  Not only have my talented brother and father come on board, but we also have amazing Disney friends from around the world who regularly share their love too.  And I have another beautiful Disney baby to spoil since I began this blog.

I want to say a big thank you to all who have contributed in some way to Growing Up Disney be you staff, team member, guest author, commenter, or reader.  

It's been so much fun to share our family's stories and hear those of others.  Connecting with other Disney fans has to be the highlight of this experience.  I look forward to continuing the adventure and seeing where it takes us as our third generation is Growing Up Disney.

Thanks for two magical years!


  1. Happy Blogoversary! I've enjoyed getting to know you!

    1. Thanks Heidi! I'm glad to have gotten to know you too!

  2. Congratulations to everyone at Growing Up Disney. It has been so great to get to know you, and To have the pleasure of reading your website. Good Luck on many more great years.

    1. Thank you very much Bruce! I'm glad yo have met you too!


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