Baby Minnie, heading to her first birthday party

I got a two-pack of Tommy Tippee insulated straw cups at Target. We hauled them all around Walt Disney World and they worked well. Finally cups that don't leak! I had to watch the instructional video from the company in order to put them together correctly but once I learned the trick, they became my favorites.

This is an Avent formula dispenser. Mine is from Amazon but I've seen them at brick and mortar stores too. I don't really care for it for formula but it is terrific for small snacks. Mine currently holds Cheerios, baby goldfish and yogurt puffs. I've mentioned the dispenser here before and my dad posted a picture of Tink using it to share her snacks with Mulch, Sweat and Shears at Disney's Hollywood Studios. The inner divided bowlcomes out and on occasion I've given Tink the "big bowl" and kept the food to share between both kids.

We don't keep the DVD player in the van all of the time but it's a lifesaver for long trips. When we moved from Oklahoma to North Carolina, we drove for four days. Tink watched Mary Poppins over and over but she was happy. And at home, I hadn't realized the beauty of Fast Play on Disney DVDs. Now I love it since I don't have to wait for the disk to load for us to be able to hit the road.

It doesn't show up very well in this photo but the navy blue is a lap tray for the car seat. It was about $20 from Amazon. I purchased it before our Hilton Head trip in January. It is great for holding snacks, books, toys, etc. Tink isn't quite big enough to use the mesh pockets that are on either side but I can see those being handy in the future. The tray itself wipes clean easily and is firm enough for the items I mentioned but it is mostly foam so I would think it would be safe if we had an accident.

Tink was too busy watching Pooh to smile for me.

And this is completely random but it passed while I was taking the other pictures... Are those the biggest tires ever or what?
I hope you have a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend. Many, many thanks to all who have served this great nation.
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